Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There has not been much going on lately in my house. I marvel at the straggling roses in my neighbors yard, it is cold and dry yet an occasional beautiful flower springs forth. Everyday in my yoga class my instructor tells us to empty our minds, and set our intention for the coming day. I want to be like the rose, blooming in the cold and dry. Even when inspiration and motivation leaves me still moving forward and being ok. I have been busy making a few more journals but have not been inspired enough to open the pages. Putting paint, words and paper elements to the stark white pages seems daunting to me. If there is faith there is no room for fear. This week-end I get together with my art girl friends, there I will find the inspiration to break the ice.


  1. This rose takes my breath away! I am grateful to see a reminder of spring and summer during these cold dark days here in southeast alaska. In faith that your creative dry weather will change soon, xxoo, sus

  2. Roses are very resilient plants - we often see a late bloom in November or December, before the frost comes. Good to be like a rose - even in the winter, it holds a promise.

  3. three words got me: art girl friends. i don't have any that live near me - all art friends are beyond the every day reach. this is something that i am going to change this year; i need a gathering of kindreds with whom i can crack open and let things in, and out. xo

  4. such a lovely bloom, even in the midst of an unforgiving climate. i like your statement, "if there is faith there is no room for fear." i'm working on that one, too...

  5. I agree with Nina. It is hard to find an art girl friend, much less more than one. If you are lucky enough to have several, you are thoroughly blessed. I rely entirely on the internet for my inspirational friends, and only wish I could enjoy other artists in "real time". Enjoy!

  6. Beautiful rose! Enjoy your creative time with friends.
    Can you please email me? I would like to ask you something and I didn't see your email address. :-) We are still in Seattle looking at different areas...it's supposed to snow a little the next couple of days!

  7. i hope you are finding it right now dear lorrie. there is nothing quite like the promise a brand new journal brings.

  8. Hi remember me? Your old friend from across the pond coming up for air... As always ypu give me something to think about ... I hope you are well my friend abd that the sun is shining down on you every blessing H
