Thursday, June 10, 2010

End of week

It is the end of the week for me. YEAH!!!! Work has been busy this week. I started my week off working a 14.5 hour shift. Bodies are not designed to work like that-at least mine isn't and it has left me running on empty the rest of the week. But I am thankful that our little center is busy and that I have work, the alternative is rather depressing. I now have 6 days off and as usual we are going to the trailer. I'm rather concerned about taking Lily so far away from home but she seems to be doing ok these past few days. She loves the woods and knowing that this is the best she will be feeling my husband wants to take her camping. So away we go-we will always call the trip short if need be. I hope you all have a good rest of the week and a great week-end. Much love Lorrie


  1. yes, i'd say that working too much is the equal and opposite evil to not having any work at all...

    you choose which is worse, right! hehe..

    cute photo of the little doggies...mine is curled up right beside me here on my chair in the studio....

    have a great day!

    ciao bella!
    creative carmelina

  2. happy camping! sounds you have a lovely weekend a head of you.

    i must show the photo of your dogs to my 18 year old sister, who just loooves dogs. last time when i was visiting in Tunisia she was planning to purchase a dog and actually talked about it as she would already have the dog. it made me laugh.

  3. i think a dose of fresh air and woods to romp might be exactly what lily needs. i hope you enjoy and rest. i wanted to tell you that i LOVE the photos of the farmers market on the post below...those tugs at my heart strings, especially those rainier cherries...yummm!

  4. Hope you all have a restful and good weekend. All the best for little Lilylovekins.

  5. oh that is simply not good to work that long! hope you put your feet up and do not move!! enjoy a great, safe, weekend!

  6. I hope Lily has a wonderful and restful trip to the woods. Take care and thanks so much for the comments about my tea set!

  7. Lorrie, Thank you for your comment, I had lost track of you too! It is a difficult time for us at the moment, but we have to carry on. I hope that Lilly is ok and has a lovely time, of course I hope you have a lovely time too! Mx

  8. Dear Lorrie have a wonderful rest in the woods with your sweet pups. I am so happy that Lilly is doing well- I hope she continues to have good health.

  9. I'm glad she's doing better. Thats a punishing schedule you have so you need the days off. I love the picture its like a scene form the muppets!
