Spoiled rotten, thats what I was this Christmas. Part of my gift was a day at the spa, my mother and I went and had massages on Christmas eve, it was a delightful way to spend the day. A beautiful hand dyed scarf from
Lorri Scott of Wayward Threads was a complete surprise and one that I adore, I love her work. My husband gave me a little POGO printer that will be so much fun to have, I'll be able to use it at the trailer, it takes tiny little 2x3 polaroid prints and works off a battery. Along with the wonderful gifts I got was the gift of memories, new memories and old. Having dinner with my aunt, she had cooked a meal in the tradition of my grandmother and it brought back memories of Christmas past. Childhood memories of Christmas eve spent at my grandmothers with aunts, uncles, cousins, in a crowded tiny house, tables overflowing, presents everywhere, laughter and noise. At times a little overwhelming for a protected shy little girl but I loved every minute of it. It is good to remember the memories of the past and I treasure them greatly. I hope you all created some good memories this holiday season.