Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy today

First off I want to thank everyone for their words of support re: saving money after yesterdays post. That is what I love about this blog. I live a rather private life. I go to work socialize with the people there but keep to myself. I have few friends. Sometimes I feel alone and this blog has helped to alleviate that feeling. Reading all the comments this morning made me feel good. Thank you. I made my weekly trip to the farmers market and was able to pick up some wonderful Brentwood sweet corn. I've been craving sweet corn. The past few days have been warm and I've been really feeling like it is summer. So tonight I'm going to have one of those great summer dinners sweet corn, tomatoes, and a grilled something or other. It is a good day in the Lilylovekin house internet service or not-we are happy today. Hope you are to.


  1. I'm glad you're better..we all have those days..they seem to pass....

    I too am feeling like a summer sunday night supper...
    Menu: BLT sandwhiches..tomatoes from our garden, macaroni salad I made this morning and a blueberry crumble for desert.....

    Life's pretty good with a menu like that !

    Have a wonderful...and HAPPY Sunday

  2. I am so glad that you are feeling happy today! There's nothing like it, is there? It makes everything seem possible and makes problems more manageable! Your dinner sounds wonderful - can we come over? I'll bring some dog biscuits for Lilylovekin (Winslow says hi!)! Hugs, Silke

  3. There really isn't much more than happiness!!!! Health of course, but when it comes down to do it, money is secondary!

  4. happy here too as I'm glad you are!
    thanks as always for sharing your wonderful pictures from the farmers market.

  5. As soon as I saw the firt picture I knew where you went!! Glad you are doing better. Hope things continue to improve and you have some creativity soon!

  6. Love your photographs. I can see using them in your art work with transfers, computer interpretations and incorporated into journal pages. Maybe the photos will feed your creativity, give you a jump start.
