Thursday morning and I am sitting on my sisters patio in Scottsdale AZ. As you know we live some distance apart and we try and get together every couple of months. I usually come and visit her in Scottsdale because my mother lives here and I can "kill two birds with one stone." These are always great weekends because it is just girls. We will eat out, create art, sleep in, stay up late, take naps, shop, and maybe even have a spa day. My sisters pantry is full of goodies, the birds are singing, I am happy and tired after a busy week at work. I am suppose to be taking a nap but I am too excited about the fun weekend ahead so I've been wandering around in blog land,my eyes are getting heavy now so I think I'll try that nap. I've posted a couple of journal pages as inspiration to myself, since maybe that will be one of my art projects this weekend.